I personally was very disappointed. Even though BOD will be playing in Singapore the day before they play in Malaysia, I think the JB gig will be no less explosive. The gig took place in 3 countries in 3 days. How punk rock was that! I went to Singapore to meet the guys from Voco Protesta, Power Of idea that will touring with Battle Of Disarm. Oliver from Cluster Bomb Unit tagged along and will be playing with Power Of Idea. They arrive later than expected, nearly two in the morning. For the majority of them, that was their first time coming to Singapore. I think Masaki and Naoki was the only person that had been to Singapore and Malaysia.
It was a busy week for me and I opted not to go to Jakarta along with them. Fadh was all okay about it but being a little mellow and not so keen to travel that far in a short time, not to mention the short time frame. So I just have to make do with the tall tales Fizi being telling me on how they were mobbed in Jakarta and the venue was so packed and chaotic that police have to come in and stop the gig. The crowds were estimated around 3000 people, easy. Maybe more.
The Singapore show was a more relax affair with less-Jakarta like atmosphere. They played in Singapore Expo in which have plenty of hall for every occasion. The hall was air conditioned, really cozy for a punk rock show. Some kids that were hoping to watch Disney On Ice found themselves in a hall full with sweaty kids jumping around like crazy.
This is very silly. I don’t even went to any of the gigs and here I am trying to describe the excitement in full detail. Well, I can’t. I didn’t went to the KL show because have to pick up my mother at the Stulang Feri Terminal. I’d had witness a great storm while we were eating in Larking Bus Terminal. It starts with ordinary drizzle before a thunderous storm ripped apart many trees around larking, leaving two or three cars crashed at the terminal’s parking lot. I do witness that first hand. I’m not making that up.
The KL show was okay but what was really disappointing that someone stole the band’s banner. Darn, what a stupid thing to do..
Note: more in sireh & cengkeh zine #1
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