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Blogging atau budaya menulis jurnal atas talian adalah satu fenomena yang berkembangan hasil dari kemajuan pesat teknologi internet. Ia mudah untuk digunakan dan tidak melibatkan sebarang kos tambahan atau skil. Sehingga kini, kadar celik komputer dikalangan warga belia di Malaysia (bawah 40 tahun) terutamanya di kawasan bandar adalah amat menggalakkan. Kanak-kanak makin terdedah dengan internet. Harga komputer yang semakin murah dan kemudahan internet yang semakin berleluasa banyak membantu kepada berkembangan budaya menulis blog (singkatan untuk weblog)
Menurut Pew Internet study dianggarkan 11%, atau 50 juta pengguna internet adalah pembaca blog. Menurut data Technorati , terdapat 75,000 blog baru dalam sehari dan 50 000 blog dikemaskini setiap jam
Saya pasti, semua orang berminat untuk mengetahui apakah weblog yang paling popular di Malaysia. Waaupun ada antara kita sudah ada jawapannya tapi saya belum jumpa satu bancian rasmi mengenainya. Bermula dari idea Priyadi, seorang penulis blog Indonesia yang sebelum ini berjaya mengumpulkan 100 blog paling popular (beliau menggunakan istilah ‘top’) di Indonesia, saya cuba mengumpulkan blog-blog oleh warga Malaysia untuk dibanci bagi mendapatkan weblog yang paing popular di Malaysia.
Semua weblog yang terlibat di dalam bancian ini dipilih secara rawak dari beberapa sumber iaitu petalingstreet.org, jurnal.biz dan malaysiatopblog.com. Ada juga weblog yang diambil dari sumber peribadi, del.icio.us/syedsyahrul/malaysiablog iaitu himpunan weblog sahabat atau pilihan yang dikutip dari ruang siber dari masa ke semasa. Walaupun jumlah semua weblog dari semua sumber ini berjumlah ribuan, hanya segelintir kecil sahaja yang terpilih. Ini kerana ada weblog yang sudah tidak aktif, dan tidak kurang juga yang tidak mempunyai data dari Alexa.com mahupun Technorati. Ada pula segelintir yang mempunyai ranking terlalu besar untuk disertakan.
Kriteria pemilihan untuk bancian ini tidak sukar. Ia mestilah weblog yang dikendalian oleh rakyat Malaysia. Untuk mendapatkan data pula, saya menggunakan enjin pencari Alexa.com dan Technorati.com. ‘Traffic rank’ Alexa.com adalah berdasarkan sejarah atau maklumat yang dikumpul untuk jangka masa 3 bulan.
As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as
well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's current rank with its rank from three months ago.
Alexa juga ada kekurangannya. Contohnya, untuk sesetengah laman web seperti diaryland.com dan blogdrive.com, enjin pencari Alexa gagal berfungsi. Alexa.com gagal mengenalpasti ‘syedsyahrul’ dari syedsyahrul.blogdrive.com dan hanya akan menunjukkan keputusan untuk blogdrive.com.
Technorati.com ialah enjin khusus untuk weblog. Mereka mendakwa sedang menjejaki 41.3 juta weblog dan 2.4 billion ‘links’. Cara mereka memberi ‘ranking’ kepada setiap weblog ialah berdasarkan jumlah ‘link’ yang membawa kepada atau merujuk kepada sesebuah weblog itu. Contohnya, sekiranya weblog ‘A’ mempunyai 100 ‘link’ yang merujuk kepadanya, manakala weblog ‘B’ mempunyai 20, Ranking ‘A’ adalah lebih tinggi dari ‘B’
Keputusan bancian ini disusun berdasarkan ranking dari Alexa.com manakala nombor di dalam kurungan merujuk kepada ranking dari Technorati.com. Maaf sekiranya ada weblog yang sepatutnya disertakan dalam bancian ini tetapi tidak ada dan sebarang maklum balas adalah dialu-alukan.
Kenapa 70? Kenapa tidak 50 atau 100? Kenapa tidak.
Blog Name
Alexa Traffic Rank
Technorati Rank
1 - Liew CF
2,060 (4)
2 - Paul Tan
2,958 (5)
3 - Jeff Ooi
1,234 (3)
4 - TV Smith Dua Sen
9,040 (14)
5 -Kenny Sia
194 (1)
6 - Huai Bin
4,775 (7)
7 - Lim Kit Siang
8 - Shaolin Tiger
5,206 (8)
9 - Brand Malaysia
6,417 (11)
10 - Rojaks
6,542 (12)
11 - MGG Pillai
12 - Sultan Muzaffar
6,256 (10)
13 -Minishorts
5,271 (9)
14 - Suanie
8,709 (13)
15 -Peter Tan
23,836 (22)
16 - Blog.mypapit.net
59,787 (40)
17 - Afdlin Shauki
1,010 (2)
18 - Faisal Tehrani
19 - Fireangleism
11,060 (15)
20 - IreneQ
17,463 (21)
22 - Yasmin the storyteller
3,110 (6)
23 - Kris Khaira
527,346 (61)
24 - Gelihati
70,623 (42)
25 - Jee’s life
42,699 (35)
26 - Mak Andeh
30,020 (29)
27 - Kimberlycun
14,147 (20)
28 - Volume of Interactions
57,882 (39)
29 - Muid Latif
121,461 (48)
30 - Sashiweb
33,590 (30)
31 - Patrick Teoh
11,601 (16)
32 - leez
78,706 (43)
33 - Ricecooker
1,110, 514
25,418 (23)
34 - Buku Nota
37,221 (32)
35 - Nizam Zakaria
12,300 (17)
36 - Seni Kami
28,956 (26)
37 - Badrul After Six
39,854 (33)
38 - Shahrizal
39 - Arsyan
40 - Mohd Ismail
105,233 (46)
41 - Najahnasseri
212,456 (55)
42 - Tengku Mohd Ali
27,504 (25)
43 - Sinaganaga
28,956 (27)
44 -Makansakan
45 - Adib
52,944 (38)
46 - Rizainuddin
161,515 (52)
47 - Syed Syahrul
212,627 (56)
48 - Salinan karbon
229,206 (57)
49 - Abdullah Jones
29,478 (28)
50 -Cik Daun
92,114 (45)
51 - Pakdi
13,207 (19)
52 - Kumprinx
121,461 (49)
53 - From This day
172,144 (53)
54 - Paichowan
68,147 (41)
55 - Jongkang Jongket
296,666 (58)
56 - Tipah Vogue
12,715 (18)
57 -Kembara Artrevolt
58 -Honey Biru
41,770 (34)
59 - Makcik Nab
60 -Seniman jalanan
1,204,425 (62)
61 - Tok Rimau
27,446 (24)
62 - Juandanza
35,750 (31)
63 - spyz
44,887 (36)
64 - Jiwa Rasa
46,096 (37)
65 - Dugong senyum
81,678 (44)
66 -Screaming sonic
115,765 (47)
67 - bilik
68 - Awan Putih
151,860 (51)
69 - Klubbkidd
184,059 (54)
70 - Figurasi
459,962 (59)
71 - Faizal Riza
460,301 (60)
Tags: weblog, ranking, malaysia
Thanks for the input. at least we can see the trend now. majority of the search engine out there focus mainly on english-language websites
Interesting, you must had took hours to compile the list, bravo.
Yes there are at least a few 'big' bloggers missing, particurly those on blogspot and xanga..
Yet for fun and just information purpose, it's a great list :)
ko memang champion lah..
I'm glad to be of an inspiration and congratulations for your compilation.
However I think you are still missing quite a lot of Malaysian blogs. #70 in Indonesian chart (now maintained by Hericz and hosted in http://www.hericz.net/peringkat/) has Technorati rank of 56273. In your Malaysian chart, however, the least ranked blog has Technorati rank of 1,204,425.
Because Malaysia has far better Internet infrastructure than Indonesia, I'd think #70 in your list should be at least better ranked than #70 in Indonesian chart.
oh yeah, you should really sort them by Technorati rank rather than Alexa's :)
Priyadi : Thanks for the kind feedback. I do feel my list is not near as comprehensive as I would like it to be. Malaysia does have better infrastructure then Indonesia (I guess) but as a country, we are smaller than you and that translates to fewer readers. I will improve the list, thanks!
Jee : Maybe we'll be seing you top of the chart soon :)
cool effort but I think the ranking needs tweak. I can't believe that our twins Rajan and Menj are not in the ranking! =p
salamyou're truly a dedicated person....
keep up the good works....
and suprised that my blog and artblog were listed in this list...
sure you done a lot and must be tired for that, take a rest now bro....hahahah...
tq arr jiji.
artikel yang sangat menarik ! ranking tu tidak betul-betul tepat, ada blog popular yang tidak tersenarai, teruskan mengkaji trafik blog malaysia dan pembangunan blog yang lain ;)
phuhlamak!!! nombor sepuh sial!!! kembang buntut aku!!!! lol
I think Alexa is not that accurate. Technorati is fine, when you want to find out who is linking to you. It cannot be used to gauge the popularity of one's blog, if you are looking at daily traffic.
But thanks for the include :)
kupasan yg cukup menarik ... terima kasih atas usaha ini ... walaupun masih ada serba sedikit kekurangan tetapi satu permulaan yg baik utk perkembangan blog2 dr Malaysia ...
wingz : everyone love rojak, right?
Bali : Terima kasih. Masih terlalu banyak kekurangan. Akan memperbaiki dan menambah blog2 yang tercicir dalam bancian akan datang
Suanie : love your blog. Yup basically both engine approach to ranking is different. That is why I put both. Thanks!
blog aku takde nak marah bley~ muahahha~ maka tahniah kepada mereka yag tersenarai... yang lainnya, (cam aku) sila berusaha lagi...
Good post, it gives some indication of the ranking.
Like Paul said, it's not foolproof, as Alexa is mostly used by untechy people, as you need the toolbar installed.
Another good ranking method is incoming google/yahoo/msn links.
based on alexa, i'm 394,020, good enough for 16, not bad. 12,532 on technorati rank would be at 18. Pretty consistent I think.
hehe..usaha yang sgt bagus..bukan senang nak buat rank secara manual ni..heh..tq..
Wah, best senarai ni, very impressive
Mesti amik masa yang lama untuk kumpul listing/ranking blog ni... anyway terima kasih!
BTW My URL is http://www.shaolintiger.com not http://shaolintiger.blogspot.com as you have listed.
hmmm ....
It shows one thing, the absolute Malaysian blogosphere is just way too big. I'm ranked 18,403 in Techorati and 850,706 in Alexa though.
kamigoroshi : I agree and to compile each and every one is not easy. But really appreciate the comments and feedback!
shaolintiger: Thanks, point noted. I have corrected your url.
Ky:Yup, I've just checked it, sorry though that i kindda overlook it. I will surely add in my future survey
MohdIsmail: Fuh, boleh tahan hang!
szakif: mana tau besok2 boleh masok top ten pulak, sape tau :)
Hey I should be included on the list... I am number six based on Alexa ranking. Oh well, never mind, I am not complaining.
Anyway, good post.
you missed out a very important blog
Leng Mou (http://lengmou.blogspot.com) has an Alexa ranking of 183K and it is also a very fast growing blog with hundreds or thousands of readers in spite of it being only 6 months old.
Malaysian Medical Resources:
Alexa Rank:
Technorati Rank:
Can I be on your list? ;)
terasa popular pula walaupun hanya duduk nombor 33 (lucky number?).
tapi yg sebenornya, ramai yg terbabas masuk ke blog Bukunota sebab keyword "panas-panas".
Salam. Terima kasih kerana senaraikan blog saya.Walaupun banyak lagi blog yang lebih bagus tiada dalam senarai, ini sudah satu permulaan yang bagus!
it's actually fireangelism.com :)
buku nota : itu ke rahsianya? dah tak rahsia lagi la kalau dah bagi tau :)
Jiwa Rasa : Jenih tau mengumpul data. akaahakah
lainieyeoh : Aiyah, consider sattle already, thanks!
Palmdoc : Thanks for that piece of information, point noted and will improve it.
ha ha ha. open secret? boleh rujuk webstats4u.com
keyword mengesahkan apa yg orang malaysia cari2 dalam blog/web :)
tak sangka i no. 31??!!! ada ker orang baca blog i???
wow...an extensive list
this is great! discovered some new places to waste time
think i should cancel my newspapers ...
leenz : ada kut baca, kalau tak takkan banyak hit!
Malaysia Property & bibliobibuli : Thanks but still need alot of improvement & support!
Or you can compile a list, "My favourite 70 Malaysian blogs and I am willing to cook for them and buy them beer forever and forever" . That way it's your opinion and no one can bug you with "but.. but.. so and so is missing!!!!" It is not easy to make a definite on something like this.
Or you can start reviewing blogs then tell the owner that you did this.
Or you can just buy me beer :P :P :P
Wa bila lah blog aku leh tersenarai ye
Suanie : It is my list but I do want to keep it short and thight. But It good with everyone giving their opinion and reminding the things that i've overlooked, blogs that i did not include. It's cool!
fuhh...mesti penat nak buat senarai macam ni :)
Ape-ape pun list ni tak lengkap lagi. Beberape Big Blogger tak tersenarai, contohnye http://muaturun.blogspot.com/ dll
Teruskan usaha lagi
good job dode.
maybe i should made a second survey, what did you guys think?
It's a good start for a list like this. :)
By "popular di Malaysia", you mean lots of Malaysians know about the blog? If yes, I suppose both Alexa and Technorati do not indicate that.
I agree with suan that the ranking cannot be used to gauge the popularity of a blog. I guess it's quite hard to define the popularity of a blog, unless you state that it's ranked in term of what, what and what. Anyhow, I think the word popularity is quite ambiguous.
Appreciate your hard work anyway. Keep it up!
bryan : That's a great idea, you mean divide them to sub-categories right? Like personal, tech, etc. That way the result should be more convincing. The sample set have to be big and it will take more time and should have the full support of all bloggers involve. Not a bad idea at all, thanks. Maybe i'll do it in the future.
check website4u.com, nampak ramai sangat orang masuk blog tipah thru blog syedsharul nih....
baca punya baca, rerupanya blog tipah tersenarai antara 70 yg popular. auuuuwww...tak sangka you!! ahaksssss
toche memanyak kat syed syahrul ek!!! peace!!!
bertambah2 vogue la akak kita?
err..think u got no 26th twice ke?
eh ya lah. camne nih? terlebih? thanks
huih. BILIK pun ada gak. terkejut gak skit2. hehe. :P
Thanks for the include.
Makes you feel seram - like WHO is reading my blog, eh ?
dhani : Blog EMO itu bagus. tak gitu?
Mak : saya, saya!
Dhani: blog saya EMO ke mak?
Mak: chaotic emo rabak gila meroyan!
orang sebelah dhani: hehehehe. ;P
ntah biler ar blog aku nak tmasuk dlm tu ek
Mungkin suatu hari nanti.. blog ko pasti akan tersenarai kat sini..
Kene letak Ah Beng punya blog nih.. wongahbeng.blogspot.com. Baru betul.
haha, no hal punya..
Thanks for putting this list together.
Like the others said, I think it can be more accurate. I didn't expect to be at #23 and I don't think I would be if it were more accurate.
yup. I agree. Thanks for the comment.
Walaupun bancian ini mungkin belum tepat bg menggambarkan keseluruhan blog2 yg wujud di Malaysia tapi satu usaha baik dari anda....Tahniah...!!!
Betul ke nih.. Aku pun baru belajor bende alah bloging nih... Baguih jugak
tips kau ni.. Time kaceh... Mane nak cari reliable punya Blog template yang baguih macam ko nih...?:)
Tengok depan : thanks. Kalau nak template, banyak website kau boleh dapat. Aku punya template buat sendiri. Simple je. nak template, sila tengok blogger-templates.blogspot.com
visit also:
New list coming up soon, Tq
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Salam Semua ...Kenapa website www.hidupsihat.com tak termasuk ranking ya???
ya rabbi.. rajinnya bro buat kajian. lengkap sumber n jumlah kunjungan. mantap ni.
saya tertarik dengan blog anda dan usaha anda. dan saya ingin menjadi sebahagian daripada anda. good luck k.
hi...can we exchange our site link..i already put your's in mine...
idup islang!
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pernah dengar tak bisnes yg tidak memerlukan titik peluh,angkat barang berat2,mesti x kan..di sini saya nak perkenalkan bisnes myspacetunai..yg mengajar anda kepada bisnes internet,memang senang giler..x perlu nak buat laman web,tak perlu nak buat blogger,just letak link je kt friendster,tagged,hi5,myspace,facebook,dan lain2
Blog paling popular versi 2009. Blog anda berpotensi? Cadangkan di sini faigun.via.my/2009/08/30-blog-paling-popular-di-malaysia.html
bro nak tmpang iklan jap.. www.memangmasyuk.blogspot.com
Blog muzik dan keluarga.Jom la lepak kat blog aku...
Terlupa pulak nak letak nama Blog http://cinta-harith-internet.blogspot.com, Jng marah ye tuan punya blog..
Bagus ler wat list camgini..
senang lar nak khatam blog pasni..hehe
Lawati website ni>
sila lawat saya; release tension:
memang bagus tracking nie..
hi Syed,
Senarai yang berguna walaupun mungkin ramai yang tidak berpuashati (kerana blog mereka tidak tersenarai):)
berniaga online
interesting list there bro.
Ni blog baru nak masuk hehe
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Acknowledge to ur effort here...what a shortcut msian blog library.
But some people here never learn the manner in blogging, post unrelated and selfish stuff.. so annoying doing biz with this kind of bleggerz,..
macam mana nak bg bloq up skit?? traffic bnyak..
bgus la syed sharul ideanye mmg champion la
Terema kasih Bro... info baik ni. Ringan kepala
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salam bro...nak mintak tolong?....
salam...bro nk mntak tlg 2 pon law bleh...tlg cari member area kota bharu pompuan...ak x taw die nye blog,tp die de post psal siti baju pink.....tolong...pleeeeezzzzzz u my friend....
Bila blog aku http://amarzikrylife.blogspot.com/2011/10/expensive-man.html nak dapat no. 1-100 ek? hmm...
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