Useful blogging tool part 2

In the first part, I have highlighted some programs or tools that can be very useful for bloggers. There are still many tools that can help blogger to improve their blog's performance. Here are some other tools that I think very useful and assential to any bloggers.

4. Feedblitz.
With the emergence of RSS and feeds, users today can subscribe to their favorite feed and later, can browse through it without even going to the respective website. This will cut short on surfing time when you can just browse through your RSS reader such as Google Reader and Bloglines for updates then going one by one to your favorite website. There are also program, as I have mention earlier such as Feeddigest that compile your favorite feed and then provide a Java script so user can put it onto their blog to make it more interesting.

Majority of computer users still prefer to check their email for news and updated whenever they turn on their computer. In a survey done, people are likely to check their email first before doing other thing once they are online. For this, there is a website that provide feed subscriber service that automatically email new update to the subscriber. The service is free, and it also provides a chicklet that shows how many people are subscribing to your feed, just like Feedburner.

5. Rollyo
One function that is very important for user to track back quickly through an archive is using the search function. Some blogging software does provide a search box but some did not, such as Blogger. Google have provided search box service for free and user with Adsense can also make money with it. For those that are looking for alternative search box that is quick and fully customizable, look no further, try Rollyo.

The major different between Rollyo and Google search box is that Rollyo is powered by Yahoo. But unlike Google that allow user to search using its search engine, which is good, Rollyo give the option to user to choose where their want to search in. User can type in any URL where they want to search in.

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